I was lucky enough to get a ticket for the Golden Gopher game on September 17th 2011, my first trip to the stadium and my second college football experience. (The first being Camp Randall in Madison, WI) This is a rundown of the day at the game with my brother in law.
After a traffic packed drive we finally managed to find a parking spot somewhere I believe in the next county. After a walk the stadium started to come into view. Being a little late we could clearly hear the roar of the crowd seeing the electronic banner flashing to make some noise, and the crowd seemed more than happy to do so, already I'm getting excited, a crowd that sounded like they were into it at a college stadium is a amazing football going experience.
Walking up the gates I fully felt like I was approaching the gates to Jurassic Park. They are huge and oversized, I instantly felt tiny walking through the gates and the arches, I could actually here myself humming the theme to Jurassic Park the gates felt so big around me.

With this being my first time here, the sections assignments on the tickets really meant nothing to me. I just followed Andy at this point around the stadium and we walked down the steps, and kept walking, and kept walking, and kept walking. Corner end zone seats, nice! Now I am even more pumped.

While Andy and I were having a good time the cheerleaders were having a worse day. Within us being there for about 15 min, one cheerleader fell off her pyramid, and another fell and hurt her knee and had to have the trainers come attend to her.
Half time rolled around it was time for one of the most fun parts of any sporting event, time to eat and drink! Well not drink its a dry stadium, but eat!! From what I could see in our section TCF stadium is basically a condensed version of the Minnesota State Fair, delicious friend food that makes me feel like I might have a heart attack. I went with the simple brat and coke, Andy opted for a brat, pop, and cheese curds, which he shared, and were easily my favorite thing there. We also got treated to slightly less annoying version of the Snookie and Deena show.

Back to the game looking around the stadium was mostly full with only a few noticeable openings on the upper deck, it was supposed to be a gold out (all fans wear gold) I think only one section got the memo. It was little shocking as the game got into the late 3rd and early 4th quarter I noticed fans started to empty the stadium. At this point the game was within three points with the action going back and forth. I was a little dissapointed so many fans would leave with the outcome of the game still being determined.
All in all though a blast at the game, the stadium is awesome and clean, the game was exciting, the Gophers won their first of the season, and everyone had a great time.